Special Needs Trusts & Planning

Planning For a Disabled Child
Benefits like Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Medicaid may not provide enough financial security for your disabled child. A Special Needs Trust supplements your child’s income while protecting his or her eligibility for public benefits.
A special needs trust in Connecticut, also known as a supplemental needs trust, can ensure the security of your disabled child’s assets, benefits, and well-being.
Special needs trusts can receive inheritances on behalf of a disabled person. They are also used to receive proceeds from insurance and personal injury settlements.
A sudden increase in assets or income can endanger your child’s eligibility for crucial public benefits. Disabled individuals usually need help handling their financial matters. Special Needs Trusts provide a solution to both of these problems.
Public benefits commonly available to the disabled include Supplemental Security Income and Medicaid. Often, however, they can fall short of providing the level of security and comfort you want for your child. A special needs trust can supplement your disabled child’s care beyond that which the government provides, and the assets held in trust are not counted when determining benefit eligibility.
If you are considering setting up a special needs trust, your attorney must pay careful attention to detail in the creation of the trust. The Connecticut Dept. of Social Services and the Attorney General’s Office subject trusts to detailed scrutiny. If the legality of your trust must be defended, you want to have complete confidence in your attorney. Our lawyers have the experience and the training to give you that confidence.
At Cipparone & Zaccaro, PC, our attorneys help families develop a plan designed with your specific needs in mind. We get to know you and your family and assist with those special needs in caring for a disabled child. Parents often divide their estates equally among their children. If all of the children are healthy, this makes sense. If one child has special needs, that child may need more or less than an equal share. Our attorneys help you design a plan to protect such public benefits of your disabled child as well as allow you to protect them for their lifetime.
Third Party Special Needs Trust Checklist
Do I need a Third Party Special Needs Trust for my child? Download our Third Party Special Needs Trust Checklist by clicking on the box at the top of this page to determine how we can help with your unique needs. Our goal is to insure that the person with disabilities will have the best quality of life possible.
Here’s what you get when you retain Cipparone & Zaccaro, PC:
- Attorney consultation (90-120 minutes).
- Your attorney will review Family Goals for person with disabilities and for spouse and non-disabled children.
- Your attorney will review public benefit programs available for persons with disabilities.
- Your attorney will review Federal and State Estate Taxes, Inheritance Taxes, Gift Tax and Income Taxes if appropriate.
- Your attorney will discuss with you the cost of maintaining the disabled family member for the rest of his/her life.
- Your attorney will discuss with you the methods of paying for the care and other living expenses of the disabled family member for the rest of his or her life.
- Your attorney will assist in the selection of an appropriate trustee.
- Your attorney will discuss an appropriate conservator and the possible future need for a care manager.
Additionally, your attorney will draft the following documents, as appropriate, related to special needs planning:
- Special Needs Trust
- Wills
- Living Wills/Appointment of Health Care Representative
- Durable Power of Attorney
- Re-titling of Assets (if required)
- Change of beneficiary designations (if required).
The attorneys at Cipparone & Zaccaro, PC have experience assisting families with disabled individuals. The firm’s lawyers are familiar with public benefits law, trust law and the tax law affecting trusts and public benefits.
Contact us today to begin the conversation.