Even the Clearest Will or Trust Can Be Contested.
Or your wishes might not be carried out, or someone may challenge their legitimacy. Even diligent estate planning can go unexpectedly awry so we’re ready to represent you if needed—advocating for your position and reaching a settlement that’s fair and reasonable.
Sometimes the intentions of the person who died are not clear. Sometimes disagreements arise in the distribution of an estate or trust. When a person contests a will or trust, you need probate litigation attorneys with the experience to advocate for your position and reach a reasonable settlement of the dispute. Whether a Connecticut Probate Court or the Connecticut Superior Court will hear the dispute, our probate litigation attorneys stand ready to diligently represent you. Attorneys at Cipparone & Zaccaro, PC know trusts and estates so they have the knowledge particular to these probate disputes. We have experience in probate litigation representing executors, trustees, estate beneficiaries, and charities.
With respect to trusts, the trustee of a trust owes the beneficiaries certain fiduciary duties of honesty, prudence, and loyalty. When a trustee or agent violates those duties, a beneficiary or the person signing a power of attorney may lose property. Our probate litigation attorneys can assist estate beneficiaries and trustees with trust issues such as inadequate accountings, failure to make proper and timely distributions, or improper investments. In addition, we can assist in reformations of a trust where such amendments are needed to carry out the settlor’s original intentions in making the trust.
When a person manages your property either as a joint owner or under a power of attorney, they owe you undivided loyalty and financial prudence. Sometimes an agent decides that they “deserve” some of the property they manage and begin to secretly take some of it. This phenomenon is called financial exploitation. Seniors and those with disabilities are particularly exposed to this crime. Attorneys at Cipparone & Zaccaro, PC, can help stop financial exploitation and recover the missing assets. We bring civil actions for undue influence, fraud, theft, breach of contract, constructive trust, and breach of fiduciary duty in Superior Court to protect the senior or disabled person and recover funds for estates. If appropriate, we get the Connecticut Dept. of Social Services Protective Services for the Elderly, the Chief State’s Attorney’s Office and the local police involved to redress the wrong.
Contact our probate litigation attorneys today to begin the conversation.