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Veteran's Benefits

Financial Assistance for Veterans and Their Families: Do You Qualify?

Veterans (and spouses) may qualify for a cash benefit from the Department of Veterans Affairs. We’ll help you find out if you qualify (or if your Dad or Mom qualifies) and how a cash benefit coordinates with Medicaid or other parts of your Estate Plan.


For those of you who are Veterans or a spouse of a deceased Veteran

For those of you who are Veterans or a spouse of a deceased Veteran, Cipparone & Zaccaro, PC can assist you in obtaining a monthly check from the Veteran’s Administration known as Veterans Aid & Attendance. We can navigate the various eligibility requirements for Veteran’s Benefits and Medicaid Planning because quite often they don’t go hand in hand. What most people do not take into consideration are any conflicting requirements between Veterans Benefits and Medicaid Planning. Joe Cipparone and Jack Reardon are attorneys accredited by the Veteran’s Administration. They can review your income and assets and provide advice and strategies for you to qualify for these valuable benefits. 

Veteran’s Aid & Attendance

Am I entitled to Veterans’ Aid & Attendance?
  Download our Veteran’s Aid Questionnaire under Client Documents in the Learning Center.

