Joe Cipparone Gives Talk Before Bar Association on Taxation of Annuities

Joe Cipparone Gives Talk Before Bar Association on Taxation of Annuities

On March 1, 2019, Joe Cipparone gave a talk before attorneys of the Connecticut Bar Association on the Taxation of Annuities. Joe’s talk was part of a Connecticut Bar Association seminar entitled “Tax Issues in Elder Law.” The Bar Association held the seminar at the Grassy Hill Country Club in Orange, CT. Joe’s talk included a discussion of how annuities become a part of the elder law practice, the income tax consequences of an annuity both during life and after death, and the estate tax consequences of the annuity after the annuity owner dies. Joejoined a panel of Deborah Tedford and Mark Dost to cover all of the income and estate tax issues of Special Needs Trusts, Irrevocable Grantor Trusts, ABLE accounts and other elder law strategies.